Later Levels – Our New Home

Hi Everyone,

As you might have seen things have been slow here for a while and it’s because life has a way of being, well, life.

As a result we’ve had to have a look at things and what we want to get out of the world of gaming and it’s why we’re pleased to announce that as of now, Later Levels is the new home of 1001Up.

Our New Home – Get Clicking!


We’ll still throw up news, reviews, opinions and previews of the games that catch our eye but it’s in a much simpler, more streamlined way.

It’s also the perfect time for us to again say thank you for all your support over the years, we’ve loved meeting you, debating with you and seeing our friends progress from the wilds of the Internet into the depths of the industry itself.

Looking forward to seeing you on the other side!

Ben, Kim & Phil.


South Park: The Delayed until 2017

Ever since the backlash that followed the release of Assassin’s Creed: Unity, developers and publishers have become more and more confident in delaying their game from the market. The latest to follow this trend is South Park: The Fractured but Whole which had been expected around Christmas.

Continue reading South Park: The Delayed until 2017

1001 video games and beyond